Sunday, August 3, 2008

Today's Thoughts

So today, was a sunday and it was like any other normal sunday. I woke up at around 9 30, which is sort of late, but I had a late night last night. I went to Starbucks coffee shop this morning with my parents for a nice latte, and arived home roughly around 11 30. Around 12 00, my brother showed up and we talked for a few minutes. He is a going to be a freshman in college at UCONN, so he is your typical college-bound boy. He's a very smart kid, but some decisions he makes aren't always the best ones. Last night he had one of the thirty graduation parties for one of his best friends, and there was alcohol there, like usual. I asked him if he drank, and he said yes... Now, I am a straight edge kid, but it's not becuase I am scared of alcohol or drugs, it is just that I choose not to. If you ask a moderate or even constant drinker why they drink, they most likely will respond with, "Because it's fun", or "Everyone else does it." Now, I don't drink because I don't see the point in taking a chance of losing control of your body. I just don't see how alcohol is so great, when all it does is make you sick and/or makes you do things uncontrolable. People drink to have fun, and I am able to have just as much fun, sober. Another thing is, when people drink, they turn into something they're not, and the decisions they make resort from the alcohol. So if you make a wrong decision, you won't be able to put it on yourself because you weren't yourself at the time. Most people like to blame their decisions on the alcohol, but it all resorts back to yourself in the long run. I'm just saying that the point of alcohol is just dumb, because it's pathetic if you need to resort to a substance to have fun. If you think about it, is the fun you are having real? Or is it just a spur of the moment because of something that changes your state of mind...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Julian, I just wanted to tell you that I'm so happy your wrote this blog. I agree with it 100 percent and it shows me that I'm not the only person left with common sense.